Wednesday, September 10, 2014

NINE Days...

We are now on the home stretch of counting down to the Fiber In... I can not even begin to tell you how excited, nervous, scared, and just overall frantic I am feeling inside... I talked to mom today, so everything is in place... Hotel was booked in April, displays are built, and now I have the work van to load all my "stuff" into... 

Mom has always been the voice of reason behind my "projects", but also the one that has pushed me and kept me following my dreams... no matter how many times those dreams have changed... I just hope and pray that I will be that same supportive and reasoning person behind them as they grow up...

Okay, I'm done with all the mushy stuff... for now anyways, lol.

Last night, I had high hopes for all the stuff that would get done last night... and some stuff did get done... but I made the mistake of watching "The Hobbit"... thought that it was boring, and then got soooo into the movie, that I could not focus on creating... I really want to watch the second one tonight, but I just don't know if its the smartest idea.

So... Here is what happened last night:

Tatted Art Yarn Accents - Beaded Drops

Silk Noil

Green Silk Noil... Fresh from the dye pot

Yellow Silk Noil... still in the dye pot

I am hoping that tonight will be packaging and inventory... but I'm not promising anything, lol :)

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