Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Ponce Inlet Arts and Crafts Show - Part 5 - Gaye Zarek

Like I said in the previous post... when I came up to the booth that was shared between Inspired by Nature and Gaye Zarek... I first met Gaye... she was super friendly and helpful.

She does a lot of fused glass work... and you can tell that she lives by the water :) All of her work that caught my eye were inspired by the sea or the animals around the water.

Some of her stuff is a little more abstract... but what great work she does... I should have gotten more pictures of her items... but shoulda, woulda, coulda... but didnt...

Here are some of her pieces...

See what I mean... I love the lighthouse in the bottom of the pic.

A Bowl of Sea Life :)

And of course, her business card... 

I highly recommend you go to the www.artistsofponceinlet.com website and look under G. Zarek... You will be in awe (just as I am) of Gaye's work. 

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