Friday, September 13, 2013

Wowza... Only 8 More Days

I am getting super excited for the Fiber In... I'm scared about failing as a vendor... but also am happy to get a fun fiber-y weekend without having the little ones tugging at my fiber, lol.

I know that I'm going to miss them like crazy while I'm gone... even though I'm going to be driving back and forth every night. My friend, Miss Jayne, is supposed to be driving down from Sanford to see me... it has been forever since I have seen her... She was my mentor and role model while I was training birds at the Naples Zoo... she taught me everything I know about how to work with large raptors and I miss her like crazy... I know that the Fiber In is going to be great, just because of the people I get to meet :)

Anyways, enough of my sappy stuff... Here is what is going on in the kitchen :)

The drying rack... I guess I was in a very "RED" mood last night

A Three way experiment... Green, Yellow, and Blue Yarn

Black and Red Anyone???

The Thread Display (unfinished) that Tim made for me :)

I just had to share the next pics... I got my new spindle in the mail last night... and I am in LOVE... It is an Ann Grout Ceramic Top Whorl Spindle... It's Called Dancing Goat :)

Top View... See the Goat :)

Side View... I had to start spinning right away.

Lets hope tonight is more productive than last night... Time is running out :)

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