Monday, January 26, 2015

Another Random Yarn...

After finishing the last "Leftover" yarn... I immediately decided that I would make another... but this time, it would not be from the scraps of batts and rolags... this time, it would be from Phat Fiber samples...

I have a list of all the samples that were used... but wouldn't you know, I don't have it with me... so I am just going to share the process of making the next random yarn :)

This skein was different samples, of different fiber mixes... that were randomly grabbed from the basket...

This was at the beginning of the spin...

Of course, I completely forgot to take a picture of the spindle full of fiber... but I did get the plying pics :)

Andean Ply... still on my hand

Around the wrist


Ready to wash...

This yarn was actually purchased before it was ever taken off the spindle... and I cant wait to see what the new owner will create with it...

125 yards of Randomness... I should have a list of what it consists of and who's samples were used tomorrow :)

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